About Your First Aid Trainer

Teaching the confidence to care since 2007

Based in Brisbane and travelling widely, Your First Aid Trainer is on a mission to help others provide care where needed

Our courses are designed to give you confidence in your own assessment, before seeking an expert opinion, and the confidence to talk about sensitive issues with others. Your First Aid Trainer is about supplying you with more than just practical skills.

We’ve passionate trainers who believe the more knowledge that’s shared, the safer and more effective we can be at preventative measures. Our aim is to equip you, your loved ones, associates or work colleagues with the skills and confidence to approach someone requiring first aid and administer the correct response. We specialise in both physical and Mental Health First Aid for workplaces, communities, youth groups and individuals.

We’re proudly licensed by Mental Health First Aid Australia and work with quality Registered Training Organisations to deliver courses to large organisations such as Brisbane City Council, Queensland Rail and the Mining Industry.

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Why work with us

Across our courses, you can expect the following;

Ability to travel with equipment over Queensland and Australia

Flexible teaching times and locations

Industry leader with top-rated registered training organisations
Credited training certification upon course completion
Online, face-to-face and mixed learning for MHFA
Workplace and youth group-specific training
Real-life scenarios and exemplars
Course materials and online resources
And a selection of sweets to snack on!

Meet Our Lead Instructor

Germaine Lecei

I’ve always known that I wanted to help people in some capacity.

I began my journey with a degree in nursing, which morphed into an interest in naturopathy with my bachelor’s degree. But then, in 2007, I had a bit of a lightbulb moment when I saw someone teaching first aid. Here was a way to reach more people by teaching others the skills I’d acquired in the field.

Now I give others the confidence to care, whether in a physical first aid situation or when approaching a distressed Family member, Friend or Colleague.

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Proudly working alongside: ABC First Aid RTO: 3399